
Please respond to this page with an introduction of yourself!

My name is Deanna Pecaski McLennan and I'm a kindergarten teacher at Dr. David Suzuki P.S. in Windsor. I have taught for over 15 years, mostly in kindergarten, and just love what I do! I am also an instructor for the Kindergarten AQs (1, 2, and Specialist) and love to read and write about early years issues. You can follow me @McLennan1977, visit my blog or contact me through email


  1. My name is Margie Morrissey and I am currently teaching grade 1/2 at St. Joseph Catholic School in Douro - just east of Peterborough. In September I will likely be teaching grade 2/3. I have been teaching for 17+ years, mostly primary (grades 2 and 3 primarily). I love math and strive to make my students love Math. My email is

    1. So excited to learn alongside you this summer!

  2. I'm Sherry Doherty and I currently support students and educators at GECDSB in Windsor. After 12 years in a coaching role I have decided to return to the classroom to research and continue my learning within my own community. I am interested in how students learn, particularly in math. I am excited to begin this new venture and I'm looking forward to the conversations within this blog as well as on the Facebook page. I'm not certain what my grade or school is yet, but I plan to apply what I gain from this experience, no matter where I land. You can follow me @sherrysws.

    1. So happy and excited to see you with us Sherry! You will be just amazing in your new role but will be missed by many! Big shoes to fill!

  3. Hello, I am Julie Dwyer and I currently teach full day K in Upstate New York. This is my first year back as a classroom teacher after being a math coach for three years. Prior to that I was teaching grades 4,5, and 6. I am trying very hard to build a play based interactive kindergarten in a highly academic district. I love Jo Boaler's outlook on mathematical thinking and hope to fill my little learners with the spirit of math learning that helps them grow as people who will love math life-long.

    1. Hi Julie! So excited to learn alongside you and see what math and play look like in a different area! So much of what I know is through an Ontarian lens and I am curious to learn from you!

  4. Hi, my name is Dawn Burke and I am an SK/1 teacher in Toronto. This is my first year back in the classroom after several years working with teachers as a literacy coach and, before that, working as a reading intervention teacher. I am looking forward to learning more about effective math instruction/ experiences in the early years.

    1. So glad to have you with us Dawn! The SK/1 has always intrigued me and I'm hoping that you'll be to share some of your experiences with us as we learn together!

  5. Hi, my name is Bonnie. I am a FDK teacher in the District School Board of Niagara. This is my first year teaching Kindergarten and as far as I know I am teaching Kindergarten next year. I have 10 years of LTO and supply experience. This year I have worked at building my understanding of play based learning and documentation. Honestly the first few months were not what I expected due to behaviours in our class. I have a much better understanding now then in September. I'm currently taking Kinder Part 2 and really enjoying it. I want to build a richer math program in my class and this looked like a good start. I'm looking forward to learning with everyone.

    1. Welcome Bonnie!The first few months are always challenging in FDK, even when you are an experience kindergarten teacher. One thing I hope we discuss in this study is how to create and cultivate an environment for math, and this will be great as we all dream and plan for our September start up! Looking forward to reflecting and planning together!

  6. Hello! My name is Susie Ellis. I am a grade 1 teacher in Peel. I, too, am just returning full time to the classroom after being a Literacy Coach/ Kindergarten Teacher, then taking a 3 year maternity leave for my 3rd and last baby! I loved teaching Kindergarten in a play-based setting and am working toward an inquiry based grade 1 classroom. I am interested in learning more about teaching math effectively in an early years class.

    1. Glad to have you with us Susie! Congratulations on the baby! I have three too and although it's super busy, love every minute of it!

  7. Hello I'm Laura I work in a JK/SK 1 class for the WECDSB. It has been interesting but we have made the most of it. We are learning along with the children everyday. I am looking forward to this book study. Thank you for doing this. I always walk by David Suzuki school and peak in the windows. I would love to work there.

    1. Hi Laura! So nice to have you with us! We're neighbours! Suzuki is a lovely school and we are fortunate to have such a lovely yard. It inspires much outdoor play and inquiry with the children!

  8. HI June here. I just ordered the book hoping to get it next week. I teach Special Education Resource (SERT) but loving to learn about the new concepts of inquiry and all things FDK...

    1. Welcome June! So excited to learn with you this summer!

  9. Deanna, Is it too late to join this book study? We met at #etfopley and I am loving all of your sharing on your blog! Gayle

    1. Hi Gayle! Nice to see you! No! Not at all! It's quiet in here because we won't really be starting until July. You're right on time!

  10. Hello, my name is Laura and I am a SERT for the SCDSB. Most of my experience is with the primary division including a few years teaching Kindergarten. I am currently enrolled in the Kindergarten Part 2 AQ course. I am very interested in Math in Inquiry Based learning and I am certainly eager to see how I can make math more meaningful and interesting for students (and for me too). I want to really shake up my math programming and hit the ground running with it.

    1. Nice to see you Laura! Eager to work with you this summer!

  11. Greetings,

    My name is Jennifer Mason. I have always taught kinder but also have a small amount of experience with grade six and grade one. I am also a Learning Facilitator within my division. Next year I will be moving to Pre-kindergarten which is half days each day and my afternoons will be spent as a Learning Facilitator. I have a B.A. In Sociology, B.Ed. In Elemntary/Middle Years and a M.Ed. In Educational Psychology and Special Education. I am located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

    1. Hi Jennifer! You have such an interesting assignment! Your insight will be great for our group this summer!

  12. Hello, My name is Asma Jawed. I am a FDK teacher at OCDSB. This is my 4th year in Kindergarten and loving every moment of it! I am looking forward to learning from all of you and being a part of this community!

    1. So happy to have you with us Asma!

    2. Hi Asma,
      So glad to see you here...we'll definitely have to connect over the summer to discuss the book, and maybe approaches for next year!

  13. Hi! My name is Carina Quinn, and I am an FDK teacher with the Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB). I'm going into my third year in kindergarten, and am looking to deepen my practice and provide my students with rich learning experiences. I decided to do my own PD this summer, as opposed to taking an AQ course, so really looking forward to connecting and learning with everyone!

    1. Hi Carina! Glad to have you with us! Are you affected by the half French days next year?

    2. Our board has already implemented 50/50 French Immersion when they rolled out FDK, so we are already familiar with the structure. It does present it's own challenges, however. Currently, schools in our board are able to pick a schedule that works best for their educators/students (i.e. alternate days, half days, etc) - our school opted for alternate French/English days.

  14. Hi everyone!!! I'm Susan, and I am an OT with SCDSB. A vast majority of my LTOs and supply work are in FDK, and I look forward to diving into this new resource with all of you!!!

    1. Glad to have you with us and learn about your many experiences in different classrooms! I bet you've seen some amazing things!

  15. Hi, I'm Stacey. I am finishing up my 6th year in KG in YRDSB. Looking forward to jumping into this resource. I find the best PD is learning from/with other teachers. Thanks for hosting, Deanna!

  16. Hi all. My name is Laura Seguin. I currently teach Sk/Grade 1 split at DSB Ontario North East. This is my first year in SK and have really enjoyed it! Next year I will be teaching a 2/3/4 split. Just ordered my copy and it's on the way! Looking forward to learning with you all!

    1. Wow! A 2/3/4 split! That's so interesting! Can't wait to learn more about you and your program!

  17. Hi! My name is Angela and I have been teaching Kindergarten for 7 years. I just purchased the book and look forward to learning with you!

    1. Hi Angela! It's going to be a great experience I think!

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  19. Hi, my name is Roni and I teach kindergarten in Calgary. I am looking forward to this book study!

  20. Jill here from Nova Scotia. I am a math intervention teacher. My most immediate teaching experience is in lower elementary.
    I have heard great things about this book and am excited to have a group to discuss it with!

  21. Hi! If it's not too late, I'd like to join the group. My name is Carina Abbott and I teach FDK in Durham Region. I'm going into my 3rd year of FDK and have a few years of the old kindergarten system. I just finished my math part 1 (yay!) and got my Kindergarten Specialist last year at Queen's (with Deanna). I look forward to "hanging" with you all. I will however, step out for one week while in Florida on a girls week. :))

  22. Hi. I'm Heather. I'm just finishing my secondment as the Early Years Consultant with SCDSB. I'm returning to the classroom in September teaching kindergarten. I'm also facilitating my fourth aq in kindergarten starting in August through York.
    I've collected a bunch of books to read this summer. Can't wait to share the learning through Boalers resource!

    1. Heather Ma - I cannot find your name via FAcebook messenger to be able to contact you.. I'm waiting patiently to get the discussion started.. and you had signed up for Chapter 1.. hope you can get the ball rolling soon.

      thanks Can't wait to get started.

  23. Hi, I'm Marnie. I've worked the last 5 years in FDK for OCDSB (Ottawa). With the new changes in our board, I will be teaching Math to the French Immersion classes (Grade 1 and Grade 2...4 classes in all). I'm excited for this book, and hope to use it to to instill a positive mindset in my students next year.

    1. Hi Marnie! Was just discussing Ottawa's FDK French approach with a colleague this evening. Looking forward to learning with you!

  24. My name is Vicky Compton, also with the OCDSB (Hi Marnie!), and I am moving back to Grade 1 this year after two years doing SK/1. I love exploring math with my little guys and I know from first hand experience that mindset is soon important. I'm really excited to read this book and look forward to learning how to "unleash students' potential"!

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  26. I teach in the Peterborough area. After 10 years in kgtn, I've chosen to move to Grade 6 next year. Really excited to bring the principles of inquiry and co-learning forward to the older kids. I'm also excited that all my students will be toilet trained! Deanna was my prof for Kgtn part 2 and specialist; really looking forward to learning with her again this summer.

  27. I am returning to the classroom after 9 years at home with my babies and toddlers. I am excited to be teaching Grade 1/2 in Muskoka (TLDSB). This book study is the perfect way to delve back into classroom teaching.

  28. I am teaching grade one in Thunder Bay Ontario. I am excited about incorporating inquiry into my classroom. I am excited to read more from Jo Boaler ... Mindset is huge.
