Please sign up in the comments section below to indicate which chapter you'd like to host discussion for. If you'd like to host with a partner please indicate this in your post. Hosting involves posting original questions to guide discussions at least three days before the start date for the chapter. These questions or conversation starters come from your own reading and interpretation of the text and are meant to spark a deeper analysis of the text through the lens of emergent, play and inquiry-based programming. Boaler's book was not written specifically for the Early Years and but many of her ideas compliment our Ontario FDK program. This book study and discussion is meant to explicitly link the two and help the book study members reflect upon their practice and consider how to engage children in robust math experiences in kindergarten. Please send me your questions/discussion prompts through Facebook Messenger or email and I will add these to your week's main discussion post.
Chapter One: The Brain and Mathematics Learning Heather Ma
Chapter Two: The Power of Mistakes and Struggle Vicky
Chapter Three: The Creativity and Beauty in Mathematics Deanna McLennan
Chapter Four: Creating Mathematical Mindsets: The Importance of Flexibility with Numbers Laura Brown
Chapter Five: Rich Mathematical Tasks Margaret Morrissey
Chapter Six: Mathematics and the Path to Equity
Chapter Seven: From Tracking to Growth Mindset Grouping Jennifer Mason
Chapter Eight: Assessment for a Growth Mindset Melissa
Chapter Nine: Teaching Mathematics for a Growth Mindset Susan Michaud
I'd host Chapter Five: Rich Mathematical Tasks if you need someone to do so..
DeleteI can host Chapter Four: Creating Mathematical Mindsets: The Importance of Flexibility with Numbers
ReplyDeleteI can do Chapter 9 - Growth Mindset is a huge buzz in my board right now, so I think it would be good to dive deeper into this chapter :P
ReplyDeleteI'll start things off with chapter 1. Is there a format we are following? Number of questions/prompts?
ReplyDeleteThank you! I haven't specified anything so I think to each their own?
DeleteHeather - I have been looking for your questions or prompts for Chapter 1.. but don't see anything yet.. Deanna suggested I send you a facebook message.. but I cannot find you via Facebook messenger Heather Ma.
Deleteplease let me know
Margie Morrissey
Coming tomorrow. I think I email them to Deanna?
DeleteThanks Heather - to get a discussion going I posted a starter after emailing it to Deanna.. Can't wait to get some discussion happening here..
DeleteI'll do 8: assessment
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteIf someone else is unable to lead chapter 2 - The Power of Mistakes and Struggles - I would be willing to do so. Looking forward to getting started on the book study.. partway through reading the first chapter - thoroughly enjoying the read.
ReplyDeleteI'll do Chapter 2
ReplyDeleteOK thanks Vicky!
DeleteGreat Vicky
ReplyDeleteI am happy to host chapter seven if no one has yet offered.
ReplyDeleteThank you!