Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Chapter Eight

1)     Most teachers are required to assign a grade, or a mark, to all subject areas at report time. How can we ensure this does not interfere with the growth mindset that we are helping to instill?

2)     What types of self-assessment are you currently using? (please add the grade you teach) After reading this chapter are you considering adding any other types of self-assessment?

3)     Reflecting/consolidating are important pieces to learning and understanding more specifically what we are learning. To me this seems more difficult to do in primary. Please share some ways you have been successful in having students be reflective of their learning.

4)     How do you communicate to students and parents the 3rd part of A4L, how to close the gap?

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Chapter Seven: From Tracking to Growth Mindset Grouping

Greetings, I apologize for the lateness of my questions/discussion points. If you choose not to use them due to my tardiness I understand. 

1. In what ways are you currently using tracking in relation to mathematics in your classroom? What adjustments can be made to "de-track" your students? 

2. Can you share examples of complex tasks that are not only culturally responsive; but also incorporate social, math and logic skills that you have utilized in your classroom? Please provide photographs when appropriate. 

 3. On pages 132 & 133 Boaler discusses roles which students can engage in when working as a group. What roles do you deem as appropriate in early learning settings? Are their additional roles as well? I look forward to your response. 


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Chapter Five: Rich Mathematical Tasks

1. What is your opinion of the value of presenting a problem before teaching students the method or formula?

2. How will you inform parents about the notion of creating mathematical mindsets through open-ended tasks, and allowing student to first attempt questions at home as well - rather than having parents 'teach' their child how to 'memorize' (for example  multiplications facts)?

3. If you are not yet using open tasks, how will you create and design open tasks in your math class this coming year? Indicate your grade as well please.

4. Do you feel your students are able to convince and reason skeptics?  How will you model being a skeptic to assist their convincing?

Chapter Four: Creating Mathematical Mindsets: The Importance of Flexibility with Numbers

Please post your general reflection for this chapter here. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Chapter Three: The Creativity and Beauty in Mathematics

Chapter 3 was my favourite in the book because we don't often consider math to be an aesthetic subject that inspires creativity and beauty as described by Jo Boaler. I'm hoping that our discussions for chapter 3 can focus on making some connections to our personal and professional lives.

1. Do you consider math to be something that is beautiful? If so, how and why? Would you describe math as beautiful to your students and their families? How might you do so?

2. Have you ever engaged children in math experiences that inspired creativity and aesthetics? Can you give an example with photos or perhaps a link to a blog entry that delves more deeply into this idea?

3. How has this chapter inspired you to do things differently in your classroom in the new school year? Are you considering a deeper connection between math and artistic centres and experiences in your indoor and outdoor classroom?

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Chapter Two: The Power of Mistakes and Struggle

1. Jo Boaler challenges her online students to "design an activity that will reposition mistakes at school or in homes". What might you do to create an atmosphere that encourages and values mistakes in your classroom and/or beyond it? 

2. Boaler says that in order for students to make mistakes, we need to create "disequilibrium" and give them work that is difficult for them. "This will be a big change for many teachers who currently plan the tasks....to ensure student success". As a teacher of SK/1, I sometimes struggle to find that "zone of proximal development" since many of my students are just learning to work independently- I can't always physically get around to support everyone, and if tasks are too hard, the kids get frustrated and lose interest. Comments?

Saturday, May 7, 2016


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